Tubble - Our Story

About us

Our Story

Tubble is Dutch, just like its founder, Arnoud. It all started in his tiny Amsterdam apartment. Arnoud loves taking baths, but his small bathroom didn’t allow for it. A renovation would have been too expensive. That’s when he got the idea to invent the inflatable bathtub, Tubble.

Our Lifestyle

Now available in over 20 countries. Tubble offers the luxury experience you didn’t know you wanted. It’s all about self-love and slow-caring. With the bathtub model designed, tested and improved to perfection for everyone to enjoy even if you have a tiny bathroom.

We are not lifestyle coaches, nor fitness gurus. We are just people who are oke with indulging in things we want unapologetically.


Proud sponsor of Justdiggit

Read more about our Journey into Sustainbility.